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Monday, May 31, 2010

Reaching God & The Shores of God

Reaching God
By: Megan Madison

I can see God's had reaching out to me miles away.
I try to reach him, but I can't jump the fences, 
I can't climb the rocks, and I can't swerve around the holes to get there. 
I have cuts and bruises from trying and failing. 
But, I can heal. 
I will keep trying, and try harder. 
Soon I'll reach god. 
Because, God's still there holding his hand out to me.

The shores of God
By: Megan Madison

I can see others out in the Ocean of sin.
I'm calling to them to come the God's shores.
But as I try to lead them,
I'm drifting farther away myself.
Jesus comes out to save me,
To lead me home.

These are random ramblings I wrote in my journal today. And maybe they will help you to strive to Reach God, to Heal and to keep going because God's still got his hand out waiting for you. And maybe they will help you to realize that Jesus can save you, he can lead you home. And you can reach the Shores of God.

Have a great day,

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