Nothing is Impossible

I'm possible

(i'm possible - impossible)

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:*:*:*:*: Prayer Pages :*:*:*:*:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What does the verse say to you?

With God all things are possible
Matthew 19:26

Please comment things that you thought weren't possible, but WERE possible when you relied on God!



Calvary said...

I didn't think it was possible for my mom to come out of the hospital (She had a serious blood-clot) without any side effects, but she was fine.

Nonexistant anymore said...

I knew it wasn't possible for us to write up our church's entire VBS and prepare for it in the short time we had. I knew it was not possible for me to perform the skits in a way to communicate to the children. We knew none of this was possible... by our own efforts. But by leaning on God, He did an amazing work and the week was very blessed. Glory to God.